Friday, February 22, 2013

First Post

I've followed blogs like Dyson Logos, GrognardiaRoles, Rules and Rolls and probably 20+ others for years now.  The work that's come out of them has always impressed me and the resources they've provided the gaming community is nothing short of amazing.

No great writer, I've avoided creating a similar site because each time I start thinking about it I get sidetracked and lose interest.  I'm hoping this time will be different.  As my friends have gotten older, they've begun having families and kids, and I'm finding it harder and harder to get together in real-life for some much needed gaming.  I'm going to start trying to do Google Hangout or Roll20 games occasionally, and I'd like this site to become a clearing house and repository for some of the ideas I've grabbed, discovered and collected over the years to share with them as we're gaming.  A time saver and a quick "Go look here", since most of  them aren't quite as into this as I am.

Alternate Reality's Devourer
The name "Devourer in the Dungeon" came from a creature in a little-known game called The Dungeon, a game I played it on a buddy's dual disk drive Atari back in the early 80s (image credit to this site).  The Dungeon was a 3d dungeon crawl years before Wolfenstein had been conceived, and featured a sprawling map (that you had to hand draw, by the way), guilds and random encounters, including this little menace that would show up and eat your items. A classic creature in the same vein as the Rust Monster.

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